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Design of measurement and control system for Hall electric propulsion longevity test bed(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Design of measurement and control system for Hall electric propulsion longevity test bed
QIU Gang1 KANG Xiao-lu1 QIAO Cai-xia1 FENG Yan2
1. Shanghai Institute of Space Propulsion, Shanghai 200233, China;
Hall electric propulsion measurement and control system Delpi 7
In allusion to the actual measurement and control requirements for Hall electric propulsion longevity test bed, IPC+DAQ 2205+PCI 1721 based hardware and Delphi 7+SQL based software of measurement and control system are built up and dissertated in detail in this paper. The high-performance data acquisition card DAQ 2205 and analog controlled quantity output card PCI 1721, both based on PCI bus, are used to realize the data aquisition and analog controlled quantity output for the measurement and control system. Multi-tasking and rapid response requirements are met by multi-threaded programming architecture. The running tests of the measurement and control system show that the control precision, response speed, reliability and friendly human-computer interaction can meet the specific requirements of longevity experiment for the Hall electric thruster.


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