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Study on dynamics and adhesive performances of enhanced HNBR(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Study on dynamics and adhesive performances of enhanced HNBR
YANG Xiao-dong ZHU Feng DONG Chao-feng
Xi’an Aerospace Propulsion Institute, Xi’an 710100, China
enhanced hydrogenated nitrile butadiene rubber nano-carbon black reinforced adhesive
The influence of Nano-carbon black reinforcing agent on dynamics and adhesive performances of enhanced hydrogenated nitrile butadiene rubber (HNBR) is studied in this paper. First of all, the relation between SHORE A of enhanced HNBR and amount of nano-carbon black additive is studied. The result shows that SHORE A of the enhanced HNBR increases slightly with the increase of nano-carbon black additive. The next, the relation between compression set of the enhanced HNBR and amount of nano-carbon black additive is investigated. The result indicates that the compression set decreases by 27.6% when amount of nano-carbon black additive is 50 portions. The result is good for seal. The tensile strength of the enhanced HNBR increases gradually with the increase of nano-carbon black additive. When the portion of nano-carbon black additive is 50 versus 100 portions of HNBR, tensile strength increases to 24.4 MPa, and the enhancing effect is good. In the end, the adhesive performance of HNBR with 50 portions of nano-carbon black additive is also studied. The results show that its adhesive strength is 10.2 MPa, and interface adhesive effect is fine. The reinforced HNBR seals have been applied to some sealing devices in oil fields in north of China.


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