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Study of inducers for low-NPSHr high-speed pumps(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Study of inducers for low-NPSHr high-speed pumps
HOU Jie YU Hai-li YANG Min
Beijing Aerospace Propulsion Institute, Beijing 100076, China
inducer cavitation performance high-speed pump fluid inlet angle of attack head coefficient
The inducer is an important part to improve cavitation performance of high-speed pump. In order to research the effect of the design parameters of the inducer on cavitation performance of high-speed pumps, three design schemes of inducer for a horizontal high-speed pump were made respectively, and then a corresponding cavitation experiment was performed in laboratory for the horizontal high-speed pump with each designed inducer. The experimental results shows that cavitation performance of the high-speed pump can be remarkably improved if the parameters of the inducer are reasonably designed. In order to research the liquid flow state in the inducer, the method of RANS was adopted to simulate internal flow field in the inducer numerically to determine the relative velocity distribution and pressure distribution on the working face of inducer. Results of experimental research and numerical calculations prove that the head coefficient of this kind of inducer should be less than 0.15 and fluid inlet angle of attack should be reasonably adjusted. The high-speed pump with equal pitch inducer and rational design can obtain excellent cavitation performance.


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