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High-altitude ignition tests of oxygen/kerosene ignition system(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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High-altitude ignition tests of oxygen/kerosene ignition system
LEI Xiang-dong YU Xie-zheng YANG Jing-jun LING Wen-hui
Beijing Power Machinery Institute, Beijing 100074, China
In order to accomplish reliable ignition and re-ignition of scramjet, an oxygen/kerosene ignition system, which can ignite for several times and can be used repeatedly, was developed. The ignition performance test of the system was performed in high altitude environment. The results indicate that the flame boundary narrows down and the ignition reliability is lower than that on ground due to temperature and pressure change at high altitude. Theoretical analysis shows that the effective way to improve the ignition reliability at high altitude is to decrease the kerosene/oxygen ratio and change the ignition sequence. Proper reduction of kerosene flow can reduce the kerosene/oxygen ratio, thus the design point can be kept in the fire area. The time-sequence of the ignition system can be designed as spark plug ignition, oxygen entering and kerosene flow into the pre-combustion chamber. The sequence can ensure that the kerosene/oxygen ratio in ignition stage transits from the deficient


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Last Update: 1900-01-01