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Residual stress measurement with X-ray diffraction(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Residual stress measurement with X-ray diffraction
YU Kang SUN Ya-fei CHEN Xiao-jiang
Shanghai Institute of Space Propulsion, Shanghai 201112, China
X-ray diffractionresidual stress7055 aluminum alloycrystal lattice
The testing principle of material residual stress by X-ray diffractometer and choice gist of testing parameters are introduced in this article. As a test object, the residual stress of 7055 aluminum alloy were measured by means of different heat processing mechanism. The results show that, with X-ray diffractometer, whose measuring parameters of X-ray diffractometer to detect 7055 aluminum alloy are 28.5 kV tube voltage, 9 mA tube current, 0.05° scanning step, 20 s counting time, fourΨ angles, Cr target (311) crystal surface, 4 mm collimator diameter, the residual stress value of 7055 aluminum alloy before the heat treatment is 207 MPa, and the residual stresses after A and B heat treatments are 62 MPa and 33 MPa. The two heat treatment mechanisms can effectively reduce material processing residual stress, and heat treatment mechanism B is slightly better than A. X-ray diffraction method for determining residual stress provides a theoretical basis for


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