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Technical research on laser spot welding of overlap joint of niobium hafnium alloy nozzle(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Technical research on laser spot welding of overlap joint of niobium hafnium alloy nozzle
ZHANG Yanqiao ZHANG Weiming
Xi'an Space Engine Company Limited, Xi'an 710100, China
niobium hafnium alloy laser spot welding welding parameter fracture behavior
The strengthening ribs for a type of niobium hafnium alloy nozzle was welded by resistance welding in the past, but there were many problems in welding effect, such as low strength, low efficiency and high labour intensity. A study on laser spot welding of strengthening ribs for niobium hafnium alloy nozzle was carried out to improve welding quality. The influence of welding parameters on the mechanical properties, welding spot fusion characteristics and fracture behavior of the joints was studied. The results show that 0.7 mm diameter ring welding joint is the ideal spot welding structure, the fusion width is the key factor to determine the strength and fracture mode of the joint, and the welding parameters directly affects the fusion width. Therefore, When greater than 0.7 mm fusion width is realized by choosing the rational welding parameter, a higher strength welding joint and the not less than 8 000 N strength of the joint can be achieved. The laser spot welding has been successfully applied to production of niobium hafnium alloy nozzle.


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