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Digitization design method of test frame for test of engine components(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Digitization design method of test frame for test of engine components
TANG Binyun XU Hongpeng LIU Yang YANG Zhanwei
Xi'an Aerospace Propulsion Test Technology Insitute, Xi'an 710100, China
test frame design engine component pulse impact load simulation analysis modular-ization design thermal stress
In order to adapt the characteristics of great impulse and vibration load, large space dimension variation, large adjustment range of test parameters, and complex thermal environment, which may appear in the test of liquid rocket engine components, the test frame must be able to adjust quickly at complex mechanical and thermal enviroment. A digitization design method of the test frame for engine component test is proposed in this paper, which includes virtual assembly and 3D design, modular component design, reliability design and optimization design. The virtual assembly is realized by Pro-E 3D modeling to ensure that the supporting structure is resonable and reliable.. The application of the digitization design method improved the design efficiency and fast adaptability of the structure. The static finite element stimulation and modal analysis are adopted for structure intensity calculation to realize the reliability design in the environment of fast impulse and vibration load. The optimization design for the bracing structure of the heat pipe is implemented by the method of one-dimensional searchingoptimization design. This method has been successfully used in the design of test frame for engine component test, which also provides a reference for designing test frame for similar engine components


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Last Update: 1900-01-01