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Effect of inhomogeneous injection on ignition process of rocket engine(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Effect of inhomogeneous injection on ignition process of rocket engine
XU WeidongJIN PingCAI Guobiao
School of Astronautics, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China
inhomogeneous injection ignition pressure peak ignition process of high altitude LOX/CH4 rocket engine transient simulation
The transient ignition process of high altitude is a very complicated stage with complex flow and unstable combustion in LOX/CH4 rocket engine.In order to verify whether the inhomogeneous injection is one of the most important reasons causing the increased high ignition pressure peak, the transient numerical method is used to simulate the process.Under the condition of homogeneous injection, the temporal evolutions of temperature and pressure distribution on each specified cross-section of the thrust chamber are obtained, as well as the temporal evolution of pressure at the given measuring points on the injection panel and the side-wall of thrust chamber.The position characteristics of ignition and the oscillation process of pressure wave on the injection panel are revealed during the high-altitude ignition process.Then, with different settings of inhomogeneous injection, it is found that the inhomogeneous injection does not change the maximum pressure peak on the side-wall of thrust chamber, but only changes its position.However, the impact of pressure wave on the injection panel is significantly enhanced.In particular, the average maximum pressure peak experienced by the inner ring nozzles bounded by the diaphragm reaches 30 times of steady pressure in the thrust chamber.Therefore, it is verified that the inhomogeneous injection is an important factor causing the ignition ablation.


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Last Update: 1900-01-01