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Study on dynamic performance of magnetic self-locking valve(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Study on dynamic performance of magnetic self-locking valve
YOU Gang12WANG li12
(1.Shanghai Institute of Space Propulsion, Shanghai 201112, China; 2.Shanghai Engineering Research Center of Space Engine, Shanghai 201112, China)
magnetic latched self-locking valve dynamic performance theoretical calculation
In the space vehicle propulsion system, a large number of magnetic bistable self-locking valves are used. The response character is very important factor in the design, which directly affects the control accuracy of the propulsion system. The self-locking valve is generally controlled by a double coil and response characteristics of design calculation is different from the solenoid valve, so it is necessary to carry out response analysis of the self-locking valve. In this paper, based on the magnetic bistable self-locking valve working principle and characteristics, the control circuit and the equivalent magnetic circuit model were established. Based on the electromagnetic law mode, the self-locking valve response formula was obtained. The formula explains the self-locking valve in the control release induced current in the circuit will extend the response time and increase the current ratio, while the action of self-locking valve margin will not be affected by changes in current ratio characteristics. According to the simplified formula deduced, the valve response character was simulated and the results fit well with test data. The research results from simplified formula indicate that the response time and current ratio of valve unlocking and shutting off are larger with larger induced current when there is induced current in control circle of the self-locking valve. But the action ability of the self-locking valve to overcome outer force is not affected by the induced current.


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Last Update: 2019-02-20