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Study on ignition technology of LOX/LCH4 attitude control engine(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Study on ignition technology of LOX/LCH4 attitude control engine
PAN YiliZHOU HaiqingJI LinXU Hongbo
(Shanghai Engineering Research Center of Space Engine,Shanghai Institute of Space Propulsion,Shanghai 201112,China)
liquid oxygen and liquid methane electric ignition laser ignition attitude control engine
In recent years,the propellant combination of liquid oxygen/liquid methane(LOX/LCH4)has become one of the important development directions of space chemical propulsion in the future due to its high specific impulse and excellent comprehensive performance.As a crucial technology of LOX/LCH4 attitude control engine,the ignition technology has an important influence on the starting reliability,response characteristics and impulse consistency of the engine.American and European countries have focused on the system integration and component technologies for the past few years,in which the United States has successfully conducted the system-level free flight test of LOX/LCH4 propulsion system.Technical demonstration of cryogenic propulsion system has been carried out in China,and research and development of main engine,attitude control engine and key components such as igniter,cryogenic tank and cryogenic valve have been conducted.In this paper,the ignition technology of LOX/CH4 attitude control engine was analyzed,screened and tested,and the feasibility of electric spark ignition and laser induced plasma ignition was verified.The experimental results show that both schemes can achieve reliable and repeatable ignition in a wide range of inlet conditions from gaseous phase to liquid phase,which prove that both ignition methods are feasible for LOX/CH4 engine.The boundary characteristics of spark energy,boundary characteristics of mixing ratio,response characteristics and impulse characteristics of reliable ignition are obtained,which provide a basis for the subsequent design of LOX/CH4 rocket engine.


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Last Update: 2019-08-31