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Effect of booster separation on operating characteristics of oxygen pump by simulation test(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Effect of booster separation on operating characteristics of oxygen pump by simulation test
LI JianAN YangSHI Wenjing
(Beijing Aerospace Propulsion Institute, Beijing 100076, China)
booster separation hydrogen/oxygen rocket engine ground hot-fire test oxygen pump cavitation engine performance
During the process of booster separating from the rocket, the rapid drop of the oxygen pump inlet pressure affects its operating characteristics and the engine performance. In order to study this question, the oxygen pump was gradually brought into a cavitation state by controlling the inlet pressure of oxygen pump in the ground hot-fire test. The cavitation test of the oxygen pump under the overall test condition was carried out, and the parameters of the oxygen pump in the cavitation state were obtained. The engine performance after a brief cavitation was evaluated. The test results show that when the cavitation occurs in the oxygen pump with the rotation rate increasing 1 800 r/min, the flow rate of oxygen pump is decreased by 7.14%, the efficiency of oxygen pump is decreased by 11.82%, and the axial vibration of oxygen pump is increased by 90% approximately. After a short cavitation state of about 7 seconds, the performance of oxygen pump has no obvious change, which does not affect the engine performance


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