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Defect analysis and control in aerospace high strength stainless steel by laser melting deposition(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Defect analysis and control in aerospace high strength stainless steel by laser melting deposition
ZHOU YaxiongWU XiaomingYANG HuanqingLEI Yue
(Xi’an Aeropsace Engine Co., Ltd., Xi’an 710100,China)
laser melting deposition high strength stainless steel defect type control measures
In order to clarify the basic scientific problems of laser melting deposition forming process of aerospace high strength stainless steel,to promote its application in the field of aerospace liquid rocket engine,the defect types and mechanism of aerospace high strength stainless steel by laser melting deposition were analyzed. Besides,the corresponding control measures were put forward. First,the flow deformation of cladding channel was promoted by optimizing the scanning speed of border,the defects of weld nodules on the side surface and inclined surface of the formed part are greatly reduced.Second,the PREP method of powder preparation was used instead of the current GA method,the porosity of the formed specimen was reduced to less than 0.1%,and the stomatal defects were basically eliminated.Finally,the method of increasing the "layer remelting capacity" and decreasing the "gully" height between adjacent cladding channels was adopted,the defects of bad internal fusion were eliminated.


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