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Application of extrusion grinding technology in burr removal of solenoid valve spool(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Application of extrusion grinding technology in burr removal of solenoid valve spool
LIU XiangCAO Feilong LI Xuguang LI Bo
(Xian Aerospace Engine Co.,Ltd., Xian 710100, China)
solenoid valve spool intersecting holes extrusion grinding burr removal prevention and control of surplus material
In order to remove burrs at the intersecting small holes in the machined solenoid valve spool, so as to avoid the surplus material in the valve cavity after the burrs falling off from the base metal, it was proposed that using the extrusion grinding technology to remove burrs at the intersecting small holes after identifying the burr locations of the solenoid valve spool and learning the limitations of the conventional deburring methods.In addition, the prevention and control scheme of surplus material for extrusion grinding technology was proposed, and the orthogonal experiments was designed and carried out to obtain the optimal parameters in extrusion grinding technology that can effectively remove the burr at the intersecting hole and avoid the secondary generation of surplus material.By removing burrs at the intersecting small holes with the extrusion grinding technology after manufacturing the solenoid valve spool, the intersecting small holes of parts have the advantages of no burrs, no residual abrasives and good consistency of processing state.Compared with the conventional schemes, the deburring efficiency is improved by more than 60 with this method.The extrusion grinding technology can remove the burr at the intersecting small holes effectively and provide an engineering reference scheme for the burr removal at the intersection hole of the narrow inner cavity in other similar parts.


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