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Numerical simulation and analysis of nozzle with radial defect in solid rocket motor(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Numerical simulation and analysis of nozzle with radial defect in solid rocket motor
WU Yue1 LIU Yang12 NI Zheng1 WANG Shangchun1
(1.Shaanxi Province Aeronautics and Astronautics Propulsion Research Institute, Xian 710003, China 2.Science and Technology on Combustion, Internal Flow and Thermo-Structure Laboratory, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xian 710072, China)
solid rocket motor(SRM) nozzle defect three-dimension two-phase flow numerical simulation
The working environment of rocket engine nozzle is extremely harsh.Under the hot fire test of solid rocket motor, the cracking and failure accidents often occur due to the technological defects of the nozzle insert.In this paper, aiming at the fracture phenomenon of the nozzle throat insert after the test of a certain solid rocket engine, the model was built based on the real crack morphology, and three-dimensional two-phase numerical simulation was carried out under the typical working time of the engine.The purpose was to obtain the distribution and comparison of the temperature, pressure, heat flux and velocity field in different fracture gaps of the nozzle throat insert.The research results show that the temperature in the nozzle throat insert fracture gap is much higher than the temperature in the flow field inside the nozzle, and the pressure in the larger gap is higher than that in the smaller gap.After the gas enters the fracture gap, its speed decreases rapidly and multiple backflows are formed in the gap.The condensed-phase particles are mainly concentrated in the central flow channel and no condensed phase particles enter into the fracture gap, and the heat flux is the highest near the fracture root of the nozzle wall.


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