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Analysis on the ejecting characterictics of a struct-based RBCC at zero speed and non-zero speed condition(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Analysis on the ejecting characterictics of a struct-based RBCC at zero speed and non-zero speed condition
WAN Bing CHEN Jun BAI Hanchen
(Science and Technology on Scramjet Laboratory, Aerospace Technology Institute of CARDC, Mianyang 621000, China)
RBCC ejection process flow structure evolvement speed condition mass flow rate control mechanism
In order to obtain the influence of the speed condition on the ejecting process of a RBCC(rocket based combined cycle)engine, numerical simulation was performed to investigate the ejector mode of a strut-based RBCC model at subsonic speed.The results show that the operation regimes contains two stages under the investigated speed conditions are back pressure dominating stage and self-sustaining stage.At self-sustaining stage, due to the existence of all-supersonic flow, the ambient pressure can not influence the ejecting process.When working at back pressure dominating stage, due to the different ambient pressure(the total pressure is the same), the internal flow pattern and the mass flow rate of the secondary flow are different at different Mach number while instead, the internal flow pattern and the mass flow rate of the secondary flow are almost the same at self-sustaining stage, which further shows the parameters of the secondary flow that determine the ejection process are the total pressure and temperature, irrelevant to Mach number.So, the ejection process at some speed condition can be equivalent to the ejection process at zero speed provided that their total pressure and temperature are the same, which provides the convenience for the assessment of the mass flow rate of the secondary flow at subsonic speed and the preparation for flow condition of wind tunnel test.


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Last Update: 1900-01-01