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Review on technology development of solid rocket motor (PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Review on technology development of solid rocket motor
MA Shuai GUO Jianxin ZHOU Lei ZHU Zihuan
(Beijing Institute of Aerospace Testing Technology, Beijing 100074, China)
solid rocket motor booster missile single pulse dual pulse propellant attitude control
The development of rocket motor has always been an important pillar to promote aerospace technology and explore unknown space.Solid rocket motor is often selected as the propulsion system because of its low cost and high reliability.In view of the requirements of rocket launch, on-orbit maintenance and precision guidance in aerospace engineering, the research progress and achievements of solid rocket motor including the United States, Russia, Japan, Europe and China over the years have been emphatically summarized.Taking the rocket launch and precise guidance as the critical point, solid rocket motor is divided into large and small.Based on the characteristics of integral and segmented, the important technical parameters such as length, diameter and thrust of large solid rocket motor are listed and compared.Along the main line of time development, the working principle, structural parameters and flight test results of small single/dual pulse solid rocket motor are summarized.Through the comparison of this research, the technical gap in the development of domestic solid rocket motor is revealed, and the key technologies are put forward.


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Last Update: 1900-01-01