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Analysis of digital variable frequency control ignition exciter(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Analysis of digital variable frequency control ignition exciter
YAN Dongdong12 XIAO Jun1 ZHAO Jun2 FENG Jianchang2
(1.School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China; 2.Tianjin Aviation Electro-Mechanical Co.,Ltd., Tianjin 300308, China)
engine ignition ignition exciter digital variable frequency discharge control reliability of ignition
To solve the problem of difficult ignition and easy flameout of the engine in harsh environment, we developed a digital variable frequency solid-state ignition exciter by using digital circuit to control the discharge frequency and solid-state switch to control the discharge output. This ignition exciter is capable of stable output in a wide voltage range of 10-30 V DC, with discharge frequency of 6 Hz at starting and automatically changing to 1 Hz after starting. It has extended discharge spark duration and longer continuous operation. The ignition exciter developed is the first digital ignition exciter with variable frequency continuous ignition capability that has been successfully installed and applied in China. After its application, the number of failures, the percentage of failed products and the failure rate are all 0, which are significantly lower than the existing ignition exciters. The practical application has shown that the ignition exciter can meet the high reliable ignition requirement under complex climate environment such as ground start, air start and plateau start.


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Last Update: 1900-01-01