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Engineering correction method for post-necking uniaxial stress-strain curve of ductile copper alloy(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Engineering correction method for post-necking uniaxial stress-strain curve of ductile copper alloy
ZHANG Ping1 LI Bin2 GAO Yushan1 WANG Zhen1 JIANG Wei1 HUO Shihui1
1. National Key Laboratory of Aerospace Liquid Propulsion, Xian 710100, China 2. Academy of Aerospace Propulsion Technology, Xian 710100, China
copper alloy ductility necking stress-strain curve uniaxial tension correction
Ductile copper alloys are widely used in liquid rocket engines, which are generally subjected to large plastic deformation due to extreme loads. Due to the lack of method to effectively process the post-necking data of tensile tests, traditional material constitutive models used in engineering structural analysis failed to fully reflect the real bearing capacity of materials. Uniaxial tensile tests were carried out at room temperature for a ductile copper alloy, and the universal correction function and parameter fitting principles were proposed from the perspective of engineering structural strength analysis. Then, the weighted factor w=0.75 and the exponential correction factor n=2.4 were obtained through the FEM necking simulation. The results show that the load-displacement response of the finite element necking simulation is convergent to the model parameters and mesh. The exponential correction method can better describe the post-necking response of copper alloy specimens. A conservative material property estimate can be obtained by selecting n=2.4.


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