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Development progress and key technologies of nuclear thermal rocket engine(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Development progress and key technologies of nuclear thermal rocket engine
MA Xiaoqiu1 XIE Jiachun2
1.Laboratory of Science and Technology on Cryogenic Liquid Propulsion,Beijing Aerospace Propulsion Institute, Beijing 100076, China; 2.China Institute of Atomic Energy, Beijing 102413, China
nuclear thermal rocket engine specific impulse reactor key technology fuel element
The basic principle of nuclear thermal rocket engine was introduced, the development process of nuclear thermal rocket engines in the United States and Russia(Soviet Union)was reviewed. In the early development process of nuclear thermal rocket engines in the United States, research was mainly conducted using the whole engine test mode. During the Rover/NERVA period, more than 20 reactors were established and a large amount of test data was obtained, which still plays an important role in the research of nuclear thermal rocket engines in the United States even today. Subsequently, research on particle bed reactors(PBR)was conducted in the SNTP program with the goal of improving reactor performance. An economically affordable approach was proposed in the NCPS program, and the fuel elements were studied by using electric heating simulation method, which can reduce costs and difficulty. In terms of mission requirements, the DRA5.0 manned Mars program and the DRACO program have been proposed for manned spaceflight and Cislunar activities. Russia(Soviet Union)has conducted research on nuclear thermal engines at the same time with US, mainly focusing on reactor fuel element technology. They have developed twisted strip high-temperature carbide fuel elements, with parameter levels highest in the world. By summarizing the development trends of nuclear thermal rocket engines in the United States and Russia, this paper analyzes the key technologies of nuclear thermal rocket engine reactors, and proposes development suggestions for future research on nuclear thermal rocket engines in China.


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Last Update: 1900-01-01