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Evaluation of thermoelectric conversion technology for nuclear electric propulsion spacecraft in deep space exploration(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Evaluation of thermoelectric conversion technology for nuclear electric propulsion spacecraft in deep space exploration
XUE Xiang12 CHEN Jinli12 WANG Haoming12 TANG Zhipeng12 WANG Yuanding12
1.Shanghai Institute of Space Propulsion, Shanghai 201112, China; 2.Shanghai Engineering Research Center of Space Engine, Shanghai 201112, China
nuclear electric propulsion spacecraft thermoelectric conversion technical scheme
Facing the future ultra-long-distance deep space exploration mission, the nuclear electric propulsion mode has become a better space propulsion scheme with its characteristics, such as high specific impulse and long life. The nuclear electric propulsion spacecraft uses thermoelectric conversion technology to convert thermal energy from a nuclear reactor into electricity for an electric propulsion system. In order to further expand the deep space detection distance and shorten the mission cycle, it is necessary to improve the power level of electric propulsion system by means of high-power nuclear reactor and its corresponding thermoelectric conversion technology. The technical scheme is subject to many factors, such as nuclear reactor grade, system power density and technical maturity. Through the comparison of different schemes, a technical scheme for thermoelectric conversion on the nuclear electric propulsion spacecraft is preliminarily formulated and evaluated. Meanwhile, the primary constraints and riskiest challenges in the scheme are determined.


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