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Thermal cycle selection and parameter optimization of nuclear thermal engine system(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Thermal cycle selection and parameter optimization of nuclear thermal engine system
HE Xueqing LI Yaoyang
Beijing Aerospace Propulsion Institute, Beijing 100076, China
nuclear thermal rocket engine system thermal cycle optimization and design of system parameters genetic algorithm
Based on the further research of nuclear thermal rocket engine system, three types of thermal cycle selection and flow path design of liquid rocket engines have been proposed. Aiming to obtain the high specific impulse and economy, a closed-expansion-cycle based on CERMET with a driver was finally selected. The genetic optimization algorithm was adopted to optimize the engine system. Combined with the engineering practice, the final scheme is obtained with a chamber pressure of 5 MPa, a turbine inlet temperature of 400 K and a specific impulse greater than 900 s. In addition, the theoretical characteristics of related components are analyzed and the future component optimization direction is proposed, which provides the basis for the subsequent design of nuclear thermal rocket engine.


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