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Progress in combustion characteristic research of liquid rocket gelled propellants(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Progress in combustion characteristic research of liquid rocket gelled propellants
Feng SongjiangHe BoNie Wansheng
Academy of Equipment Command and Technology,Beijing 101416,China
gelled propellantscombustionresearch progress
Combustion characteristic of liquid rocket gelled propellants is one of the key prob— lems for development of gelled propulsion technology.Research and development of combustion characteristic of liquid rocket gelled propellants were summarized.The combustion mechanisms of gelled propellants droplets were introduced.The characteristics of three kinds of experimental schemes and four kinds of theoretical modes were summarized and analyzed respectively.The importance of the gelled propellants combustion characteristic research was addressed.In addition, some proposals were given based on the research work.


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Last Update: 1900-01-01