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Simulation analysis on wake flow temperature field of rocket engine in horizontal ground test(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Simulation analysis on wake flow temperature field of rocket engine in horizontal ground test
LI Mao CHEN Shi-zhe CHEN Chun-fu
Beijing Institute of Aerospace Testing Technology, Beijing 100074, China
liquid rocket engine horizontal ground test combustion reaction mod
Aiming at the influence of wake flow gas of the oxyhydrogen rocket engine on the ground protective devices in the horizontal ground test, the numerical simulation of engine wake flow field was conducted with 2-dimenstional axis symmetrical model and 3-dimensional model. In the calculation, the single step H-O combustion reaction model was used for the reactions between the wake flow gas and air, and the standard k-ε turbulence model was selected. The simulation results show that when the 3-dimensional model was adopted, the fired gas flows to the ground where the gas temperature was higher than that of 2-dimenstional axis symmetrical model; as the working condition of the engine was changed, the variable trend of the gas temperature on the ground as for the 2-dimensional axis symmetrical model was opposite to that as for 3-dimension model. Therefore, the reliability of 3-dimentional is higher than 2-dimensional axis symmetrical model.


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