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Frequency characteristic analysis for LOX feed system of oxidizer-rich preburner(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Frequency characteristic analysis for LOX feed system of oxidizer-rich preburner
LIU Shang LIU Hong-jun WANG Hai-yan
oxidizer-rich preburner LOX feed system frequency characteristics stability
In order to investigate the dynamical characteristics of LOX feed system for the oxidizer-rich preburner, the transfer matrix models were established by detailedly considering the flow progress in LOX manifold and the injector dynamic component. The frequency response characteristics of the system under the gas generator pressure disturbance were computed. The influence of LOX manifold volume, injection pressure drop, injection inertia and engine thrust level on dynamic response of the LOX feed system were analyzed. The results indicate that, due to the large volume of LOX manifold, the LOX injection admittance is mainly depended on the dynamic characteristics of manifold and injector, and outlet flow rate has high response amplitude in wide frequency range. If the manifold volume is enlarged, the outlet flow rate amplitude is increased and the pressure response amplitude is reduced. If appropriately improving the injection pressure drop or the injection inertia, the amplitude of LOX injection admittance can be decreased. At the low thrust level, the outlet flow rate amplitude enlarges at 300~800 Hz, which is a disadvantage to the coupled stability within the frequency range.


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Last Update: 1900-01-01