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Investigation on aerodynamic and combustion characteristics of an evaporating flame-holder(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Investigation on aerodynamic and combustion characteristics of an evaporating flame-holder
DING Zhao-bo1 JIN Jie2
1. Beijing Aerospace Propulsion Institute, Beijing 100076, China;
ramjet engine evaporating flame-holder V-gutter flame-holder aerodynamic characteristic combustion characteristic
To realize reliable ignition, flame stabilization and effective combustion of a ramjet engine under the condition of low-temperature and high-velocity incoming flow, numerical analysis of cold-state and combustion flow fields for an evaporating flame-holder was completed, and contrastive analysis with the V-gutter flame-holder was performed. The results show that, in a given scope, with the increase of inlet velocity, the total pressure recovery coefficient and retention time are reduced obviously, and recirculation zone length, recirculation ratio and combustion efficiency change a little. Compared to the V-gutter flame-holder, the recirculation ratio is reduced more significantly, and the total pressure recovery coefficient, recirculation zone length, and retention time are decreased a little bit. Recirculation zone happens in downriver of evaporating flame-holder, and is not interfered by main-flow. The flame-holder can work at the best fuel-air mass ratio by local fuel supply and adapt to low-temperature high-velocity inlet environment.


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