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Design and application of multi-dimensional virtual vibration testing system(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Design and application of multi-dimensional virtual vibration testing system
ZHOU Cheng 1 LI Jia-wen 2 LI Yong 1 TANG Fei 1
1. Beijing Institute of Control Engineering, Beijing 100190, China; 2. School of Astronautics, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China
multi-dimensional virtual vibration structural dynamics electro-mechanical coupling closed-loop control system electromagnetic vibration shaker
The virtual vibration test can be used in the product design stage to perform the structural dynamics analysis and vibration environment assessment for products, shorten the product development time, and save the development cost. The vibration shaker electro-mechanical coupling modeling, rigid modeling, finite element modeling of test specimen and closed-loop control system design were fulfilled. The three-dimensional virtual vibration test system was established. The three-dimensional and one-dimensional virtual sine sweep vibration testing for the product is discussed separately. The simulation results show that the frequency characteristics of the shaker's electro-mechanical coupling model are close to the test results, the shock excitation direction has a significant effect to the acceleration response of the product, the multi-dimensional virtual vibration test can not only significantly improve the excitation efficiency of the structural faults, but also can inspire the high-order local modal, which can significantly increase its maximum dynamic stress amplitude in the high frequency band.


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Last Update: 1900-01-01