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Current status and development trend of space propulsion technologies abroad(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Current status and development trend of space propulsion technologies abroad
HANG Guan-rong HONG Xin KANG Xiao-lu
Shanghai Institute of Space Propulsion, Shanghai 201112, China
Space propulsion technologies usually can be divided into four types: conventional chemical propulsion, electric propulsion, micro propulsion and novel propulsion. The conventional chemical propulsion is the mostly-used propulsion technology, whose performance is being improved continuously. The electric propulsion is widely used in various satellite and deep space probes, whose advantages and reliability have been proved, and whose power range is being expanded. Vigorous development of micro satellites calls for active demands of micro propulsion featured by micro thrust, low weight and low power. The novel propulsion technologies, such as green chemical propulsion, solar propulsion, nuclear propulsion, are fast-developed or flight-testing in space. The application and research status of space propulsion technology used in foreign satellites and deep space probes are reviewed, and the development trends are analyzed. Several suggestions are given on the development of domestic space propulsion technologies.


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