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Numerical study on igniter performance of liquid ramjet combustor(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Numerical study on igniter performance of liquid ramjet combustor
CHEN Bo1 LIN Mu2 WU Bao-yuan1 LIU Zhi-rang3
Xi’an Aerospace Propulsion Institute, Xi’an 710100, China;
liquid ramjet combustor igniter flame ignition performance steady-state flow field numerical simulation
Based on gas dynamics and computational fluid mechanics, the numerical simulation of the steady-state flow field of igniter working independently in the liquid ramjet combustor was conducted with CFD-ACE+ software. Influences of chamber pressure in igniter, ignition gas flow pipe's inner diameter and its structure on the flame ignition performance were analyzed on the basis of test validation. The analyzed result shows: under the conditions of constant igniter temperature and gas flow rate, lower chamber pressure in igniter is more beneficial to ignition if pipe expansion ratio remains unchanged; if the pipe inner diameter is increased within limits, the ignition performance of flame can be improved; if gas flows through the straight pipe it has less flow loss; the higher the gas jet flow velocity at the outlet is, the bigger the penetration depth appears; the elbow in the pipe has more influence on flame property, but the elbow angle has less influence.


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