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The man-machine-environment reliability evaluation method of cryogenic pneumatic valve (PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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The man-machine-environment reliability evaluation method of cryogenic pneumatic valve
QIN Yong-tao CAO Wen-qing LI Dang-ke XUE Ning
Xi’an Aerospace Propulsion Test Technique Institute, Xi’an 710100, China
man-machine-environment system engineering cryogenic pneumatic valve reliability assessment
In order to determinate the faults source of the cryogenic pneumatic valve in the process of liquid rocket engine test and to solve the dynamic time varying problem existing in reliability analysis of cryogenic pneumatic valve, the reliability influencing factors of the cryogenic pneumatic valve were analyzed in the aspect of man-machine-environment, and the man-machine- environment-based time-varying reliability model of cryogenic pneumatic valve was constructed by means of the man-machine-environment system engineering theory and the operating principle of the cryogenic pneumatic valve. On the basis of this model, the reliability degree and fault rate of the cryogenic pneumatic valve were quantitatively analyzed in the range of man-machine- environment, and the vulnerable spots of cryogenic pneumatic valve are evaluated. Finally, this method's effectiveness and accuracy were demonstrated and validated by an example. Consequently, this method highly provided an approach for the quantitative analysis and reliability improvement of the cryogenic pneumatic valve, and a support for objective evaluation of liquid rocket engine perfor- mance.


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