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Instability analysis on high-frequency injection-coupled combustion of shear coaxial injector(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Instability analysis on high-frequency injection-coupled combustion of shear coaxial injector
TIAN Yuan LI Dan-lin SUN Ji-guo QIAO Gui-yu
Beijing Aerospace Propulsion Institute, Beijing 100076, China
shear coaxial injector combustion instability injection-coupling
Shear coaxial injector is widely used in high thrust hydrogen/oxygen and LOX/LCH4 engines. According to investigation, the high-frequency injection-coupled combustion instability is easy to happen when the injection process of the central oxygen injector is coupled with acoustic oscillation in chamber. This instability can not be eliminated with baffle or acoustic cavity, but can be avoided by clever design of injector. Inherent acoustic frequency of oxygen injector was obtained by computing admittance of injector, and compared to the results of cold state acoustic experiment and subscale injector hot-fire test. Their consistency is quite good. The effects of oxygen injector length, oxygen injector orifice diameter, oxygen temperature, oxygen pressure on acoustic frequency of oxygen injector are investigated on this basis. The results indicate that the acoustic frequency of the oxygen injector can be improved if the oxygen injector orifice diameter is enlarged, the oxygen pressure is increased, the oxygen injector length is decreased or the oxygen temperature is lowered. Some suggestions on injector design are given.


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Last Update: 1900-01-01