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Investigation of thermal protection for attitude control propulsion device(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Investigation of thermal protection for attitude control propulsion device
LIU Hai-wa
Shanghai Institute of Space Propulsion, Shanghai 201112, China
thermal protection function experiment simulation calculation
As one of the ablative materials, the phenolic resin is used in some thermal protection systems of space vehicles due to its great thermostability. However, its thermal protection function must be checked in actual engineering. In this paper, taking the liquid pipe with 80-fibre cloth/phenolic resin coating as research object, and the heat flux as thermal boundary condition, simulation calculation and heat flux experiment were adopted to research the temperature field of the empty pipe and the pipe injected with water. The simulation result indicates that the temperature distribution on the pipe surface is balanced and there is transient temperature change at a certain point on the pipe surface under the condition of water filled and empety pipe. To verify the result of simulation, a heat flux experiment was carried out, and the transient temperature change on pipe surface and the detecting point in water is obtained by experiment. The results of heat flux experiment and the simulation calculation was compared. The research results indicate that the 80-fibre cloth/phenolic resin's thermal protection performance can meet the temperature requirement of the attitude control propulsion device. The simulation and experiment results have perfect consistency. The rationality and validity of simulation calculation are demonstrated.


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Last Update: 1900-01-01