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Aerodynamic optimization for blade profile of a supersonic impulse oxygen turbine(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Aerodynamic optimization for blade profile of a supersonic impulse oxygen turbine
LI Xu-sheng ZHENG Ji-kun WU Yu-zhen
Beijing Aerospace Propulsion Institute, Beijing 100076, China
impulse turbine supersonic blade profile aerodynamics optimization
Three-dimensional steady turbulent flow field inside a supersonic oxygen turbine was calculated with NUMECA software, and the calculated results were analyzed. On basis of the calculation and analysis, a high-performance turbine blade profile was got by modifying the shape of the blade. The internal flow fields before and after modification were compared. On basis of the three-dimension numerically simulation, the various flow losses inside the oxygen turbine were analyzed. Under the condition of keeping the initial mechanical construction of the oxygen turbine and requirements from engine design, the initial blades profile of turbine was optimized. Taking the blade parameters as variables and total-static efficiency as optimization objective, the parameters of blade profile were repeatedly changed, the 3-D calculation was performed after each change, the total-static efficiencies of the turbine were compared for judging whether the blade profile is good or not. By optimization, a new turbine blade profile with higher efficiency and power was achieved. The results have contribution to engineering research. The methods of the aerodynamic design and optimization are summarized.


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