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Cluster analysis based diagnosis method for fault in steady process of liquid propellant rocket engine(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Cluster analysis based diagnosis method for fault in steady process of liquid propellant rocket engine
GENG Hui ZHANG Xiang ZHANG Su-ming AN Xue-yan
Beijing Institute of Space System Engineering, Beijing 100076, China
liquid propellant rocket enginefault diagnosiscluster analysis
Liquid propellant rocket engine fault diagnosis technology has been proven to be an important approach to improve the reliability of liquid propellant rocket. The engine fault diagnosis method based on data analysis has a bright future. By analyzing the simulation data in steady process of liquid propellant rocket engine, a fault diagnosis method using both normal state data cluster and fault state data cluster in steady process of the engine is proposed. The validity of the method is analyzed with the simulation data of two states. The analysis results show that the method is effective and practical. The fault diagnosis effect mainly depends on the completeness and quality of the data clusters. On the whole, a new way for fault diagnosis of the liquid propellant rocket engine is brought forward in this article, and it may be helpful for progress of the fault diagnosis technology of liquid


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