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Design of 2-D curved compression hypersonic inlet with wide Mach number range(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Design of 2-D curved compression hypersonic inlet with wide Mach number range
NAN Xiang-Jun
Xi’an Aerospace Propulsion Institute, Xi’an 710100, China
2-D inlet curved compression wide operation range bleeding on top
Design method of 2-D curved compression with controlled pressure rise law is used to design a 2-D hypersonic inlet with wide operation range of Ma 2-7 at design point of Ma 6 for RBCC engine. A sweep forward side wall is used to reduce internal contraction ratio of inlet, and air bleeding slots are placed on top wall to expand operation range of inlet below Ma 4. Three dimensional numerical simulation is conducted in the range of Ma 1.5-7. The numerical results show that the new-type 2-D inlet with curved compression has less shock waves, good flow field structure and excellent performance in the range of Ma 4-7. With air bleeding on top wall, it can operate well in the range of Ma 1.5-4, and the air bleeding mass ratio is below 15%. Analysis turns out the curved compression inlet has high performance above Ma 4, but low mass capture capability below Ma 4.


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