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An Euler-Lagrangian coupling method of primary atomization(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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An Euler-Lagrangian coupling method of primary atomization
LIU Chang-bo1 LEI Fan-pei2 ZHOU Li-xin1
1. Xi’an Aerospace Propulsion Institute, Xi’an 710100, China; 2. China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, Beijing 100037, China
primary atomization Volume-of-Fluid Lagrangian particle tracking large eddy si- mulation impinging atomization CLC Number:V430-34 Document code:A Article ID:1672-9374(2011)02-0021-12
For primary atomization simulations, Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) requires huge computational resources and time, and simplified models used cursorily in engineering usually give unphysical results. Then a method with hybrid models in different scales is a compromise. An Euler-Lagrangian coupling method of primary atomization is proposed in this paper. The larger liquid blobs are captured by the Volume-of-Fluid (VOF) method, and the droplets comparable with the grid volume or smaller ones are tracked by a two-way coupling LPT model. Since the volume of a Lagrangian Particle Tacking (LPT) particle must be less than 10% of the Lagrangian cell volume, a new LPT method on a virtual mesh is proposed. And a Large Eddy Simulation (LES) model is used to describe the larger vortex structures which are one of the determinants for primary atomization. The developed code is verified by several cases, and some key parameters are investigated to improve its precision. The primary atomization of two impinging jets is calculated by the new method, and the results of instantaneous and time-averaged characteristics show that the new method can give promising prediction.


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