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Study on dynamic response characteristics of droplet evaporation in pressure oscillation environment(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Study on dynamic response characteristics of droplet evaporation in pressure oscillation environment
YIN Ting WU Gaoyang NIE Wansheng
Equipment Academy, Beijing 101416, China
pressure oscillation droplet evaporation influence factor
An integrated experiment system used for single droplet evaporation in pressure oscillation environment was established. The experiments on the dynamic response characteristics of droplet evaporation in pressure oscillation environment were carried out and the effects of pressure oscillation on droplet evaporation process were analyzed. The unsteady evaporation model in pressure oscillation environment was established. On the basis of the model, influence rules of oscillation frequency, amplitude, chamber average pressure and temperature on evaporation characteristics were studied. The experimental results show that pressure oscillation environment can promote droplet evaporation, improve the evaporation rate of droplet, and the evaporation rate waveform phase lag pressure oscillation waveform is close to 180°. It is found in the study that the increase of evaporation rate, and also the variation tendency of droplet diameter during evaporation process has no distinct difference. While the high temperature environment increases the droplet evaporation rate, the influential effect of pressure oscillation on evaporation process is enhanced. As for chamber average pressure and amplitude, the percentage of the amplitude of chamber average pressure should be regarded as one of the influence factors. The percentage is greater, the oscillation of droplet evaporation rate and surface temperature is more severe.


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Last Update: 1900-01-01