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Physicochemical characteristic analysis on shoulder ring flaw of pressure boost gas valve in liquid oxygen supply system(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Physicochemical characteristic analysis on shoulder ring flaw of pressure boost gas valve in liquid oxygen supply system
QIN Yongtao GAO Qiang WU Rongyan YANG Zhanwei TIAN Baoyun
Xi’an an Aerospace Propulsion Test Technology Institute, Xi’an 710100, China
flaw stress corrosion physicochemical characteristic precautionary measure
Aiming at the shoulder ring flaw phenomenon occurred in the working process of pressure boost gas valve of liquid oxygen supply system in a liquid rocket engine testing process, surface morphology and section morphology of valve shoulder ring flaw were checked by macroscopic observation, and physicochemical analysis of valve shoulder ring was performed to avoiding hidden danger in liquid rocket engine testing process, to assure the normal gas supply and determine the main source of flaw. The corrosion property was confirmed by observation of fracture corrosion morphology metallographic organization in flaw source zone and flaw expansion zone, and by material analysis of shoulder ring matrix. The material composition, processing technology and hardness were corrosion property were defined by energy spectrum analysis, ferrite measurement and remnants stress research. The main source and inducing factors of stress corrosion were determined by finite element analysis for further researching the inner mechanism of valve shoulder ring flaw. Finally, the precautionary measures of valve shoulder ring flaw were established to assure valve performance and provide a support for safety and reliability of liquid rocket engine testing process, and an approach for physicochemical characteristic analysis of others equipments.


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Last Update: 1900-01-01