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Discussion of analytic technique for LRE test data storage(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Discussion of analytic technique for LRE test data storage
DONG Dong QIAO Jianghui ZHU Chengliang LIU Xiao BAI Wenyi
Xi’an Aerospace Propulsion Test Technique Institute, Xi’an 710100, China
test datadata parsingdata warehousingkey technology
The analytic technique of LRE test data storage was achieved through the analysis of structural characteristics of the test data, selection of the storage method suitable for heterogeneous test data, and combination of the relation database storage mode of structured data and file system storage mode of unstructured data. A test data analytic storage model was established based on the general data storage model analysis, including the data classification, data structure standardization, data analysis or annex upload, data imported in storage or stored in file system. The LRE test data analysis is completed according to the established data model, and then the analyzed data is stored in file database or in relational database. The LRE test data analytic storage is a key technology. The test data analytic storage model can be used in test data management in other areas, and can provide a reference model for the


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Last Update: 1900-01-01