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Design and performance analysis on fuel feeding system for ram air turbo-pump(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Design and performance analysis on fuel feeding system for ram air turbo-pump
YE Wei XU Wanwu CHEN Jian SONG Changqing
Laboratory of Science and Technology on Scramjet, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073, China
dual-combustor ramjet fuel feeding system ram air turbo-pump static feature analysis nonlinear equation set
In order to expand the application of turbo-pump fuel feeding system from ramjet to scramjet, which uses ram air as energy source, a scheme of turbo-pump fuel feed system based on kerosene-fueled dual-combustor ramjet (DCR) was proposed in this paper. The selection of turbo-pump, control strategy of the system and intaking and exhausting schemes of the ram air were primarily designed. Based on the balance relationship of pressure, mass flow rate and power of the system, the static models of the system were established, and the Newton iterative method was used to Mach number range from 3.5 to 5.5 were analyzed. The results show that the air flow needed by turbine is 3% of the general ram air quantity captured by DCR engine, so the air intaking and exhausting schemes have little influence on the aerodynamic performance of the engine; the feature parameters of the centrifugal pump are relatively stable, so the pump can work with high efficiency for a long time, but the pressured fuel is underutilized, causing low utilization ratio of the turbine power.


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