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A novel chemical equilibrium flow algorithm based on total energy conservation(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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A novel chemical equilibrium flow algorithm based on total energy conservation
JIANG FanCHEN YangFAN XuesongCAI Guobiao
School of Astronautics, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China
thermodynamic calculationchemical equilibrium flowtotal energy conservationturbine test rig systemnumerical simulation
As for the modeling of propellant combustion,the traditional thermodynamic algorithms generally use the total enthalpy conservation to solve constant-pressure adiabatic combustion temperature and equilibrium compositions,which can not consider the wall heat transfer.As for the modeling of combustion-gas flow,the frozen-flow model is usually employed with the assumption that local compositions and the thermophysical properties are instantaneous consistent with those in the combustion chamber,which ignores the slowly-varying effect of these parameters caused by the mixing process of the incoming flow and the residual gas in local grid.In view of the abovementioned weaknesses,a novel chemical equilibrium flow algorithm based on total energy conservation is proposed,which can consider the wall heat transfer.By using Fortran 2008 language and object-oriented programming method,a modular simulation model of chemical equilibrium flow gas generator pipe is established,and is applied to the modeling and simulation of a turbine test rig gas system with 42 components.In comparison with the earlier simulation results and experimental data,the simulation results of the new model make a certain improvement and are closer to the experimental data.


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