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Point-by-point drawing method for cylindrical blade with adjustable curvature radius(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Point-by-point drawing method for cylindrical blade with adjustable curvature radius
YAN JunfengCHEN Hui
Xi’an Aerospace Propulsion Institute, Xi’an 710100, China
centrifugal pumpblade profile drawingcurvature radius presetpoint-by-point construction method
According to the boundary conditions at blade inlet and outlet,a new drawing method for cylindrical blade with adjustable curvature radius is proposed for low-specific-speed centrifugal pump (LSPCP),which is based on the point-by-point construction method.The most notable feature of this new method is that the curvature radius can be specified as a design constant by impeller designer.The influence of curvature radius and scale factor on blade angle,vane wrap angle,relative velocity and velocity moment is analyzed.The results indicate that the parameters of blade profile and flow have a very large change range at different curvature radius ratio:the throttling loss increases and head of pump decreases with the increase of curvature radius ratio,the off-flow loss increases and efficiency of pumps decreases with the decrease of curvature radius ratio.When the ratio of curvature radius is in the interval of 1.4~2.4,the blade angle change is smooth and the performances of the pump are optimal.In the optimal interval,the larger curvature radius ratio is in favour of getting the optimal cavitation performance.In practical applications,the blade angle changes smoothly if the scale factor equals to zero.Therefore,it can be used in the initial pump design.


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Last Update: 1900-01-01