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Influence of plume deposit of ion thruster on thermal control properties of satellite(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Influence of plume deposit of ion thruster on thermal control properties of satellite
LIN XiaoxiongTAO JiashengWEN Zheng
Institute of Telecommunication Satellite, China Academy of Space Technology, Beijing 100094, China)
ion thrusterplume modelingsatellite thermal controlplume deposition
The ion electric thruster plume is plasma that consists of charged particles,which has a tendency to be adsorbed onto satellite surface.The deposition of the plume can change the absorptivity and emissivity of the satellite surface,which has a negative influence on thermal control property of the satellite.In order to predict this influence,a ion thruster plume model was built.The layout position and working parameters of an engineering ion thruster are adopted in the model to simulate the actual conditions of positive ion and electron beam,which makes the model more in accord with reality.The spatial distribution and electric field distribution of ions,electrons and neutral particles,and deposition distribution of molybdenum particles on satellite surface were obtained with numerical simulation.The ion distributions got by simulation calculation and experiment was compared,which validated the correctness of the model analysis.The thermal property of the satellite surface and the maximum envelope of temperature increase in local region of the satellite surface are given in this paper.


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