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Effects of different wall surface orifices on injection characteristics of supersonic air flow(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Effects of different wall surface orifices on injection characteristics of supersonic air flow
CAI Fengjuan ZHANG Mei ZHANG Mengzheng
Xi’an Aerospace Propulsion Institute, Xi’an 710100, China
supersonic air flow wall surface orifice injection characteristics
The efficient mixing of fuel jet and air flow in supersonic gas flow is a precondition to achieve ignition, flame stabilization and high efficiency combustion. The effects of different wall surface orifices on the injection and mixing characteristics have been studied by many researchers at home and abroad. Compared with the common circular orifice, diamond-shaped orifice, wedge-semicircle shaped orifice, arrowhead shaped orifice and stinger-shaped orifice are beneficial to reduction of the boundary layer separation at orifice front edge, and improvement of the penetration depth of the jet flow. Compared with the single orifice injection, the combined orifice can further enhance the mixing effect of the fuel and the incoming air in far field. In this paper, the wall surface injection orifice and engineering application condition that apply to the supersonic combustion are proposed on the basis of analysis of the injection characteristics of various orifices.


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