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Effects of structure parameter design onperformance of micro-nozzle(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Effects of structure parameter design onperformance of micro-nozzle
WANG HaiyunWANG ChanghuiFAN Cong
College of Aerospace Engineering,Beihang University,Beijing 100191,China
micro-thruster micro-nozzle structure parameter numerical simulation
The micro-nozzle is remarkably different from traditional macro-nozzle owing to its tiny size,large area-to-volume ratio,low Reynolds number,notable viscous influence and special fabrication.The effects of different divergence half angles,area ratios and etching depths on thrust and specific impulse of the micro-nozzle were studied with the numerical simulation method to investigate the influence of structure parameters on micro-nozzle performance of vaporizing liquid micro-thruster.The results indicate that the larger divergence half angle of the micro-nozzle is in favour of reduction of viscous loss; the best divergence half angle of the micro-nozzle is 30°,which exceeds that of the traditional macro-nozzle; larger area ratio can improve gas expansion coefficient,but it increases viscous loss due to the addition of divergence wall area; both the thrust and specific impulse increase at first with the growth of area ratio until a peak value at 14,where the micro-nozzle perform best and then they decrease; increase of etching depth is beneficial to promote the performance of micro-nozzle.


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Last Update: 2017-11-10