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Development of fuel-rich gas safety treatment technology for engine test

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Development of fuel-rich gas safety treatment technology for engine test
GUO JingKONG FanchaoZHANG JiaxianLUO Tianpei
Beijing Institute of Aerospace Testing Technology,Beijing 100074,China
rocket engine test safety treatment inert gas blowdown active combustion passive combustion
The necessity of fuel-rich gas exhausting mode and safety treatment during liquid rocket engine test is introduced. The key characteristics, operating principle and typical test bed application of high-altitude exhaust, flare stack and burning pool used for the most representative chilled hydrogen exhaust treatment at home and abroad in the process of liquid rocket engine test are summarized. Three fuel-rich gas safety treatment ways of inert gas blowdown, active combustion and passive combustion implied to different test beds are introduced emphatically. The fuel-rich gas safety treatment technologies used in the process of liquid rocket engine test are helpful to the safety treatment research of large thrust LOX/LH2 rocket engine test bed.


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Last Update: 1900-01-01