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High-temperature oxidation of C/SiC composites at 1 700 ℃(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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High-temperature oxidation of C/SiC composites at 1 700 ℃
WANG Fuyuan WANG Yi YANG Xiaohui BAI Longteng
Xi'an Aerospace Propulsion Institute, Xi'an 710100, China
C/SiC composite high-temperature oxidation diffusion control oxide film
The C/SiC composite with SiC coating is taken as the research object. The surface change of the composite before and after oxidation is observed and analyzed with an scanning electron microscope to study the microstructure and composition evolution of the composite at 1 700 ℃ in air and oxygen environment. oxidation mechanism. in The results indicate that the oxidation process of C/SiC composite at 1 700 ℃ is mainly controlled by the oxygen diffusion in the oxide film. In the oxidation process, C phase is oxidized and consumed in gas phase, SiC was oxidized and converted into oxide film covering on the sample surface. Because of the volatilization of gas byproduct during SiC oxidation, many cracks appear in oxide film. At high temperature, these cracks become the channel of oxidizing mediums coming into the internal of C/SiC composite, which would accelerate oxidation of C/SiC.


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Last Update: 1900-01-01