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Application of structural dynamic model updating technique in liquid rocket engine(PDF)

¡¶»ð¼ýÍƽø¡·[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Application of structural dynamic model updating technique in liquid rocket engine
YAN Song1 LI Bin2 LI Feng1
1. Key Laboratory for Science and Technology on Liquid Rocket Engine, Xi'an 710100, China; 2. Academy of Aerospace Propulsion Technology, Xi'an 710100, China
liquid rocket engine model updating MC-1 engine SSME interface load analysis
Reusable engines will be an important development trend of liquid rocket engine(LRE). Load analysis is the prerequisite of fatigue analysis. Accurate structural dynamic model is the basis of response calculation and interface load analysis. Model updating techniques need to be used to tune the initial finite element(FE)model due to the complexity of liquid rocket engine. The model updating and interface load research of MC-1 engine, the updating process of SSME engine model, and the application of model updating technique in other fields of aerospace are introduced in this paper. According to whether consider uncertainly of the test results, the model updating method is divided into deterministic model updating and stochastic model updating. The classical model updating method based on sensitivity is focused here. At last, the research result is summarized and the future development is prospected.


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