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Design research on thrust vector measurement and calibration system for rocket engine(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Design research on thrust vector measurement and calibration system for rocket engine
WANG Hongliang YAN Zhuo LI Zhixun LIU Lining WANG Pengjun
Xi'an Aerospace Propulsion Test Technology Institute, Xi'an 710100, China
rocket engine vector thrust measurement and calibration system design research
As the key performance parameter of rocket engine, vector thrust is very important for orbit precision control of the spacecraft.How to accurately measure the vector thrust produced by rocket engine has become an important problem of thrust measurement in engine test at present.The progress of vector thrust testing technology in China and foreign countries, as well as working principle and composition of the vector thrust measurement and calibration system are introduced.The key technologies of system development are analyzed.The vector thrust measurement and in-situ calibration system was established.The vector thrust measurement and calibration software was developed.The vector thrust test data were successfully achieved by the vector thrust measurement and calibration system in the process of an altitude control engine test.The measured data showed that the testing uncertainty of the main trust is less than 1% and the testing uncertainty of the lateral thrust is less than 5%.


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