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Aerodynamic modification design and analysis of waverider with controllable leading and trailing edges(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Aerodynamic modification design and analysis of waverider with controllable leading and trailing edges
LI Yongzhou1LI Guangxi1ZHANG Kunyuan2MA Yuan1
1. Xi'an Aerospace Propulsion Institute,Xi'an 710100,China; 2.College of Energy and Power Engineering,Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Nanjing 210016,China
waverider aerodynamic modification streamline tracing geometric reconstruction projection shape
Based on the supersonic aerodynamic principle combined with the streamline tracing and geometric reconstruction technique, a design method of waverider with controlled the leading and trailing edge was developed in this paper. Under the conditions that the horizontal projection of leading edge is hyper elliptical and the trailing edge is circular, the aerodynamic modification waverider was designed by using this method. Numerical simulation results at design point(Ma=6.0)and relay point(Ma=4.0)indicate that the surface of aerodynamic modification waverider is of smooth transition while the leading and tailing edge are specified simultaneously, except a very small high pressure area at both sides of the exit. Therefore, it is able to maintain the wave structure and characteristics of original waverider. Compared with the original waverider, the volume ratio, life force and pre-compression efficiency of aerodynamic modification waverider are higher. In addition, the pitching moment is almost equal but the lift-drag ratio is decreased. Under the viscous condition, the lift-drag ratio decreases from 2.91 to 2.53 at design point and decreases from 2.69 to 2.32 at relay point. The above results correspond to the design expectation, and the design method is feasible.


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