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Simulation analysis of impact dynamics of L-shaped fixture based on modal method(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Simulation analysis of impact dynamics of L-shaped fixture based on modal method
XUE Jie XU Hongwei DU Dahua HE Zhiyong LI Feng
Science and Technology on Liquid Rocket Engine Laboratory, Xi'an 710100, China
modal method L-shaped fixture modal damping ratio shock response spectrum
L-shaped fixture is used to connect the structure under test to achieve different direction impact and vibration test. The modal frequency, modal shape and modal damping ratio of L-shaped fixture fixed to a vibrostand are obtained by a modal test, and then the finite element dynamic model of L-shaped fixture is established and corrected. On this basis, the shock response spectrum(SRS)test of the L-shaped fixture is simulated by modal method, and the further adjustment of the modal damping ratio is made according to the difference between the simulation result and the experimental data. It is found, by means of the comparison between the calculated values of accelerated response and the experimental values of the SRS test in the modified model impact environment, that the modified model can predict the response of the SRS test accurately. According to the impact simulation analysis of the L-shaped fixture installed in different positions, the conclusions were achieved as follows: it is recommended to move the control point to the subjects structure installation position to avoid over-test and under-test, ensure that the impact response spectrum of the subject structure is consistent with the test condition.


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Last Update: 1900-01-01